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Our financial reward program recognizes your commitment to quality medicine.
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e-dataRESPONSE+ Cyber Liability Coverage provides critical protection in case of a breach.
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If you have been contacted by an attorney regarding your care of a patient, read this now
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How to Report a Claim
Before reporting a claim to us, please gather the below preliminary information to the extent possible. Do not discuss this matter with anyone other than a representative of Medical Mutual/Professionals Advocate. Do not make any additions, deletions, or other alterations to the patient's medical records for any reason, and do not access or request any records outside of your current possession.
- Your policy number
- The involved patient’s name, address and date of birth
- The names of other healthcare providers involved in the patient's care
- The date(s) of the care at issue
- The location where the care at issue occurred
- Any information you have regarding the nature of the claim
To report a claim, lawsuit, or incident, please contact us by any one of the following ways:
Log in to the secure area of our website here and select "Report a Claim."
Call us at 800-492-0193 and inform the operator that you are an Insured reporting a new claim.
Fax any relevant documents to 443-689-0263 and include your name and call back number on the fax cover page.
After reporting a claim, please note the following precautions:
- Do not ignore any documents you receive related to the case. Litigation is time sensitive, so forward all documents received to us or your attorney immediately.
- Do not speak to anyone about the case other than our representatives, your attorney, or your spouse, if you are married. Anything said to your spouse about the case must remain strictly confidential.
- Do not make any corrections or modifications to the patient’s records. Changes are often detectable and making changes may constitute a criminal offense. Changing records may also preclude coverage for the claim. If you recall something that you forgot to note in the records, tell us or your attorney.
- Do not request or access any of the patient’s records outside of your current possession, including records from any hospital, clinic, institution, or other healthcare provider. We will obtain these records through the proper channels as we investigate the case.
- Do not store legal or claim-related documents pertaining to the case with your medical records. Keep these items in a separate file and in a secure location.
- Do not attempt to contact the individuals or attorneys who have filed the claim or lawsuit against you.
- Do not perform literature searches or research the medicine at issue in the case unless you must do so in the course of your normal practice.
- Do not enroll in Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses about issues related to the case without first contacting us or your attorney.