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Our financial reward program recognizes your commitment to quality medicine.
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e-dataRESPONSE+ Cyber Liability Coverage provides critical protection in case of a breach.
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If you have been contacted by an attorney regarding your care of a patient, read this now
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Comprehensive coverage is vital in protecting yourself and your practice from a claim. Our philosophy is that the dedicated Doctors of Maryland deserve the toughest protection available.
As a company owned and directed by Maryland Doctors, MEDICAL MUTUAL understands the threat an unwarranted lawsuit can pose to your career. For more than 40 years, we have been dedicated to defending the reputations and practices of the Doctors of Maryland. We have the most experience with the unique medico-legal environment of this state, and we keep our fingers on the pulse of its constantly evolving professional liability requirements in order to aggressively pursue protections for our Doctors against newly emerging threats.
We offer a range of professional liability policies and "extra" coverages to provide you and your practice with comprehensive protection:
- Individual medical professional liability coverage
- Group professional liability coverage
- Business liability coverage
- Excess liability coverage
- e-dataRESPONSE+ cyber liability coverage
- MedGuard legal defense coverage
- Prior acts coverage
- Tail coverage
For more information about these coverages, please review our Policies & Coverages.

You deserve a professional liability policy with comprehensive coverage that meets all your needs. MEDICAL MUTUAL is proud to offer a full range of high quality, professional liability insurance products for health care providers.
We recommend you consult with your Producer when selecting the policy that is right for you.
Individual Medical Professional Liability
Provides coverage for individual Physicians or allied health care professionals for claims for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury arising out of acts or omissions of a professional nature and for which the Insured is legally liable.
Learn about Claims-Made Step Increase Policies
Learn about our Tail Coverage
Health Care Provider Group Professional Liability
Provides coverage for the organization and its affiliated health care professionals under the same policy. It covers claims for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury arising out of acts or omissions of a professional nature and for which the Insured is legally liable.
Business Liability
Provides coverage for an individual or an organization for claims for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury arising out of the Insured’s premises or operations necessary or incidental to those premises.
Excess Liability
Provides excess coverage over the primary Professional Liability Coverage Forms and the primary Business Liability Coverage Form for claims which would have been provided by the primary coverage forms except for the exhaustion of their limits of insurance.
e-dataRESPONSE+ Cyber Liability
Comprehensive privacy breach coverage provides meaningful protection and reimbursement in the event of a loss. Learn more about e-dataRESPONSE+ (Available through MEDICAL MUTUAL's subsidiary, Professionals Advocate).
Verdict Inflation Protection
Verdict Inflation Protection prevents the erosion of the value of your $1,000,000 limit of insurance in cases with limited economic damages as the cap on non-economic damages increases. Learn more about VIP coverage here.
Important Note
As with any insurance coverage, the coverage provided by MEDICAL MUTUAL, including all terms, conditions and exclusions, is set forth in your policy. The descriptions above are very brief and general and do not reflect all coverage terms and conditions. These descriptions are not a substitute for reading the policy forms in their entirety. Please check with your local MEDICAL MUTUAL Producer for complete information on the MEDICAL MUTUAL Policies and Coverages available.

Payment Frequency
MEDICAL MUTUAL will send you quarterly invoices for your premium with a minimum payment due for that quarter. You may make partial payments on your premium at any time, as long as the minimum due on your invoice is paid by the due date indicated. Payments received prior to an invoice and between quarterly billings will be reflected on the following invoice and the minimum due will be adjusted accordingly.
If you prefer, you may also pre-pay your entire yearly premium at the beginning of the year.
Payment Methods
We accept several payment methods:
- Automatic Payment Plan - The most convenient option. On the due date shown on your invoice, MEDICAL MUTUAL will automatically charge your minimum payment due to your credit card (payments will be processed on the next business day if the due date falls on a weekend). Log in to your account to set up an automatic payment plan using a Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card. Note: you will continue to receive invoices stating that you are on the Automatic Payment Plan.
- Online - Log in to your account to submit your payment using a Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card, or via direct debit from your bank account. You may also make payments via your personal bank's Pay Bill option (you MUST include your policy and/or customer number as a reference when paying through your personal bank's payment portal).
- Mail - You may choose to complete the "Credit Card Payment" portion of your invoice and mail the completed section to our P.O. Box.
Please note: We ask that when you send payment, you refrain from including additional correspondence related to your policy. Any questions or underwriting-related changes, such as change of address or notification of policy change, should be sent to our office separately or by contacting your Producer.
If you meet any of the criteria below, you may be eligible for a discount. Contact your Producer or the MEDICAL MUTUAL Customer Service Department (800-492-0193) for more information.
Claims Free Discount
Provided to qualified Insureds who have been claims free and in private practice for five full years.
New Doctor Discount
Provided to qualified Insureds who have been in practice for less than two years.
Risk Management Credit
Provided to Insureds who have completed a risk management program offered by the Company in the year preceding the renewal policy. Applied at renewal.
Part-Time Discount
Provided to Insureds who have structured office hours that are less than 30 hours per week.
Government Employee Discount
Provided to Insureds who are currently working for the federal state, or local government.
Pre-Payment Discount
Provided to Insureds who pay their premium in full, prior to the renewal date.

Patients are not the only people who can bring a claim against you. Modern Doctors also need defense against a wide variety of administrative and government proceedings.
MedGuard is a defense coverage that works as an adjunct to your professional liability coverage. It adds an extra layer of security beyond traditional medical malpractice coverage by helping to defray the costs associated with expensive administrative proceedings that you or your professional organizations can be subject to. The annual aggregate limit of insurance for MedGuard is $50,000 for covered legal expenses.
Included in MedGuard is our e-dataRESPONSE cyber coverage, which provides substantial coverage for a variety of regulatory and legal obligations related to the breach of electronic or paper records.
Also included in MedGuard is our Witness Assistance coverage, which provides up to $10,000 in coverage for an attorney to assist you in responding to a subpoena or other practice-related request for information.
MedGuard pays to defend you against certain administrative proceedings concerning:
Privacy Breach
The e-dataRESPONSE coverage included in MedGuard provides substantial coverage for a variety of regulatory and legal obligations related to the breach of electronic or paper records. e-dataRESPONSE is here to help you navigate the complicated legal response to a data breach and cover payment, on behalf of the Insured, for out-of-pocket expenses including:
- Legal services to respond to or defend an insured event
- Computer security consultant services to determine the cause and extent of a data breach for which the Insured has legal responsibility to provide notification or mitigation
- Legal defense against a civil action brought by someone alleging damages due to a privacy breach
- Fines or penalties by a government agency due to the privacy breach
- Fees and other expenses the Insured becomes legally obligated to pay to implement credit monitoring or other mitigation for persons affected by the breach of private information
If you are interested in our strongest privacy breach coverage, learn more about e-dataRESPONSE+.
Biomedical waste disposal
Defense for claims against the Insured alleging bodily injury or property damage arising from the Insured's disposal of biomedical waste generated by the Insured's medical practice.
Wrongful contract termination
Reimbursement of legal costs when a court or arbitrator renders a final ruling that a health care insurer terminated the Insured's provider contract solely because the Insured advocated appropriate medical care on behalf of the Insured's patients.
Office for Civil Rights
Defense for claims alleging discrimination or unequal access.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Defense for claims brought by patients alleging violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in regard to physical accessibility of the medical office or refusal to provide medical professional services to a disabled person.
Emergency treatment
Payment for emergency treatment expenses, regardless of fault, for bodily injury caused by an accident arising out of care rendered by any individual Insured in the medical office.
Defense in an investigation by OSHA.
Hospital, HMO/PPO, and Local and State Society Peer Reviews
Defense for claims concerning activities related to peer reviews.
State Licensure and Disciplinary Boards
Defense for claims initiated by licensure and disciplinary boards.
Professional Review Organization
Defense for claims initiated by professional review organizations.
RAC Audit
Defense in an investigation, civil suit or administrative proceeding brought by a state or federal agency alleging improper submission of claims for Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement (commonly referred to as a RAC audit). (Excludes fraud or willful non-compliance with Medicare/Medicaid or other similar statutes, regulations or procedures.)

Given the extensive amount of personal data in medical records, health care providers are in the crosshairs of super hackers. e-dataRESPONSE+ is a cyber liability coverage offered through MEDICAL MUTUAL's subsidiary, Professionals Advocate. Whether a data breach at your practice is the result of an accident — a lost flash drive, an email sent to the wrong person, a discarded file — or malicious intent, you can be held liable for the damages. These can include regulatory fines, notifying all potential victims, immediate remediation costs, responding to any claims or lawsuits resultant from the breach, and more.
Hallmarks of e-dataRESPONSE+
- Affordable. Especially considering the average cost of a data breach is nearly $500 per patient record.1
- Comprehensive. We provide the expertise and resources needed to assist you through a privacy or security breach.
- 3 Limits Available. Doctors have the option to buy $250,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000 limits.
First Party Liability Coverages
Key Coverage Features
- Virus and malicious code coverage
- Unauthorized access of physically lost or stolen data storage devices
- Electronic and paper records
- Payment card breach (No sublimit)
- Regulatory imposed civil fines or penalties (HIPAA)(Subject to sublimit, may not be fully covered)
Breach Notice Services Coverages
- Credit and fraud monitoring (One year)
- Expenses to comply with breach laws
- Legal services
- Forensic services
- Notice fulfillment services
- Breach notice response service
Third Party Liability Coverages
Security Breach Liability Coverages
- Virus and malicious code coverage
- Unauthorized access/use
- Breach of service provider system
- Inside criminal activity
- Denial of service attack
- Theft/loss of data on computer system
- Extra expense to recover from breach
Privacy Liability Coverages
- Theft or loss of PII
- Negligent privacy violation, Correction to PII
- Negligent privacy violation, Access to PII
Protect your practice from accidental or malicious privacy breach. Contact your Producer or call MEDICAL MUTUAL/Professionals Advocate directly at 800-492-0193.
- “Cybersecurity: The Hidden Health Tech Crisis No One’s Talking About.” HIT Consultant magazine. July 15, 2021. https://hitconsultant.net/2021/07/15/cybersecurity-hidden-health-tech-crisis/#.YPA5C-hKhaR